
This portfolio is a compilation of my works I completed during the 2018 spring semester in Parsons School of Design, all of which support my definite comprehension and execution of the course outcomes. Consisting of three design works, my portfolio explores the new techniques I have learned as a graduate student designer. Over the course of 4 months, the professionalism and effectiveness of my design developed into that of a graduate student. Transitioning from non-designer to professional designer level is a challenge that is ongoing as a student expands there knowledge of designing tactics, designs on different topics and themes, and reflects on their design consistently. Studying in Parsons is the perfect opportunity to begin such a transition smoothly and create a sturdy foundation for the design experience I will build on throughout my career.

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Project 3: Branding of Policy Designer

A. Background information

I came from the Japanese government, and my mission of studing in Parsons is to convey to Japanese society how design skill and way of thinking can help to occur the innovation in various industries.

B. Description of project

My project aim to spread the information related to new design field to the Japanese society and also build my own brand image as a professional working on design and social change. Blog is a core of the project, and well designed documentation of public policy, Talking event, and some touch points support the project.

C. Target Audiences

Japanese people who are interested in social innovation

Download Presentation File(PDF)


Project 2: Branding of PITCH (A fictional digital media agency)

This is the project that makes a brand of fictional digital media agency.

A. Goal

To integrate advertisements into social media in a way that is interesting and interactive, whereby it does not deter viewers from it but attracts them.

B. Target Audience:

Millennials and Gen Z

C. What is this product or service to me? What icons or symbols are associated with it?

Different from traditional advertising, we are focusing on creating results in the online space. For the “digital” part of this equation, this can look very different, and we could generate content in different ways: from creating a new website design to developing and creating social media pages for our agency.

Download Presentation File(PDF)

Project 1: STOP CLIMATE CHANGE (Media Advocacy)

Since there are few maps in the city of New York, this poster is set everywhere instead of a map. This map represents sea level rise when the temperature rises 2 degrees celsius, and the pedestrian can visually understand that the current position can be submerged in the future.

Target Audiences

Pedestrians in New York City


Ads on bus stop, wifi-kiosk, and anywhere in New York City


Pedestrians understand the impact of sea level rise.


Sample of ADs